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Dear Parents and Students,


In order to guarantee your son/daughter and all other students in

our classroom the proper environment for learning, the following

policies will begin today.


**Classroom Policies:


*1.  Follow the good choice road.

*2.  Always be kind to others.

*3.  Always listen.

*4.  Always be responsible.

*5.  Always try your best.

*6.  Always be safe.

*7.  Always be clean and tidy.


**Positive Rewards:


*1.  Verbal praise and recognition

*2.  Awards, rewards and prizes

*3.  positive parent contactt

*4.  Receive extra privileges



**Consequences: Color System Behavior Chart


Students all will begin the day on Ready to learn.


*1. Yellow-Warning-Students who receive a warning will move to yellow. This serves as a reminder to students to think about the choices they make.

*2.  Orange-Slow Down!-Students who continue to make poor choices will move to orange. They will take time to think about their poor choices. A one on one conversation will occur with the teacher.

*3.  Red-Think About It!-Students who continue to make poor choices will move to red. Their parents will be contacted. And they will go to the office if neccesary.  A Recess Detention form will be filed.




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